Somewhere San Diego - Landscape Oil Painting - 6x6

california daily painting california oil painting san diego painting sharon shock

Usually around this time of year I start getting really crafty.  Scrapbooking, crocheting, baking, etc.  I make lists and brainstorm ideas of homemade gifts I can start making for Christmas. 

 Not so much this year.  Ever since I started on this full time painting gig I've been far less crafty in other areas.  I think all my creative energy is just used up everyday....or else I've just become really lazy! I hope not! Maybe it's because the nearest craft store is 40 minutes away....or because crochet patterns are written in another language, one that I just don't care enough about to master. 

I think I'll stick to painting.  My holiday "crafts" will just be different than the usual.  Maybe I'll break out the watercolors.  

But there will still be baking :) 

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches 

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