Blog — lemons

Clean - Lemon Still Life Oil Painting - 5x5

5x5 oil painting blue citrus daily oil painting daily painting for sale fruit still life lemons white yellow

It's going to be a busy and long weekend, I'm very excited! Zach named this little painting, because it "made him feel clean".

lemon still life by sharon schock
Oil on ampersand gessobord, 5x5 inches - SOLD
To purchase this painting click here

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Yellow on Blue - Lemon Still Life Oil Painting - 6x6

daily painting daily painting for sale eggshell blue fruit still life lemons still life oil painting yellow

Another little still life for today, using the same technique as yesterday. I love how the brushstrokes on the plate turned out, they are exactly what I wanted. I don't usually use these panels for still lifes, I feel like they're a little to smooth for such open shapes, but I really enjoyed working on them for these last two paintings.

lemon still life by Sharon Schock
Oil on Ampersand Gessobord, 6x6 inches

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Lemon Love - Still life oil painting - 12x12

basket daily painting for sale fruit lemons purple still life painting yellow

I wanted to give up on this painting so many times. But I fought through it, and five hours later I had this.

And tomorrow I get to participate in my first "First Friday Artwalk", here in Carpinteria. I'm very excited, and hoping more of my paintings dry by then so I can show them!

Oil on stretched canvas, 12x12 inches

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Working together - daily painting

blue bowl canvas lemons original oil painting still life still life oil painting yellow

It's so cold outside right now, and I think it got reflected in today's painting. I should have picked a warmer subject. I'm still cold, time to go put on another sweater.

still life oil painting

6x6 inches, oil on stretched canvas

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Lemons in a bowl - daily painting

bowl canvas daily painting eggshell blue landscape oil painting lemons original oil painting still life still life oil painting

I had so much fun painting this piece. Lemons are probably the most cheerful fruit there is, and I don't think I'll ever get tired of our blue wedding bowls.

lemon still life
oil on 6x6 stretched canvas - SOLD

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