Blog — nature preserve

Carpinteria Bluffs IV - California Daily Landscape Painting - 6x6

california daily painting carpinteria bluffs oil painting carpinteria landscape cliff nature preserve ocean santa barbara sunset

We leave for our 4th of July trip to South Dakota tomorrow, I'm excited because I've never been there, and hopefully I'll get some good reference shots for later paintings. I'm not sure what to expect, but I hear there will be buffaloes and pheasants, and possibly thunderstorms. If there's a thunderstorm I'll be a happy for the whole trip.

As for blogging, I've painted ahead so there will be new...

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Carpinteria Salt Marsh III - Landscape Oil Painting - 12x12

california landscape painting carpinteria salt marsh daily oil painting daily painting for sale g nature preserve

Today I'm playing the "where can I possibly photograph my painting without a glare" game. It's my least favorite part of moving to a new place. I think I might have better luck on our patio later in the day. But this will have to do for the moment, it's much prettier in person. I gave the canvas a few extra coats of gesso before I started which gave the painting an interesting texture.


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Morning Fog II - Carpinteria Salt Marsh Oil Painting - 6x6

california oil painting carpinteria landscape carpinteria salt marsh daily oil painting for sale nature preserve

I really like how this painting of the Carpinteria Salt Marsh turned out. I love how every time I look at the marsh there's different colors peeking out, it makes it fun to paint again and again.

Oil on Ampersand Gessobord, 6x6 inches

Here's a shot of my new studio! I painted there today :) There's an amazing breeze that comes through that window, so I'll never get lightheaded from paint fumes...

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